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Last year we suggested you consider ways you can treat neighborhood kids instead of Halloween candy that destroys their teeth. In case your own neighbors didn’t take our advice, here’s some tips for clearing out your kids’ stash and saving their sweet smiles too!
What better way to get mountains of sugar out of your house than by using it to comfort our military and first responders? A handful of candy is included in every care package that is sent from Operation Gratitude. They send care packages to deployed troops, military families, veterans, wounded heroes, and first responders. Of course, don’t pay more in shipping than the value of the candy, and consider a donation instead. They also encourage you to include a note of gratitude to send in the care packages. For full information on how to participate in Operation Gratitude, click here.
The Ronald McDonald House provides housing at or near hospitals so that families can stay together while a child is in the hospital. They often provide meals or other hospitality services. Our local Ronald McDonald house would be grateful for donations of unopened Halloween candy, dropped off at their facility. Candy will be provided to families going through trying medical situations and could be a great comfort.
Ronald McDonald House, Colorado Springs:
4223 Royal Pine Dr
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80920 USA
Phone: 719-471-1814
Springs Rescue Mission serves the poor and homeless in our community by providing hot meals, shelter, clothing, and resources for a way out of homelessness. They are a well-respected resource in our community and have said they would love any unopened Halloween candy.
111 W Las Vegas St
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Receiving Hours
Monday – Friday 9:30am – 4:30pm
Saturday 9:00am – 11:30am
We also have a north drop-off location for small items:
ER Specialists Urgency Center
4194 Royal Pine Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Similar to Operation Gratitude, Operation Shoebox sends care packages to our troops overseas. They accept candy donations year-round, especially heat-resistant candy. Unopened Halloween candy can be donated by shipping it to:
Operation Shoebox
8360 East Highway
25 Belleview. Fl. 34420
Could you send a care package to a friend or acquaintance living overseas who may not have access to the creature comforts of home? Call a local elderly care facility and see if they allow visitors to share unopened candy with residents. Let your kids have a second chance to dress up in their costume and bring a little joy to our neighbors who may be lonely. We’d love to hear your creative ideas for how you can spread the love with your Halloween candy, instead of sinking your wallet with dental bills.
However you choose to slim down your kids’ stash, we hope you have a safe and fun Halloween and don’t forget to brush and floss about 30 minutes after you enjoy sweet treats!
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