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As soon as the indicator on the stick changes color, and you find out you are pregnant, your life changes dramatically. Not only are you preparing to welcome a whole new person into your family, you are already making decisions every day that affect that tiny life inside you. It can be overwhelming, learning all the new rules you should follow. There are many medical procedures you should avoid during pregnancy. Is routine dental work part of that recommendation? How can you best care for your teeth AND your baby?
Like almost everything else in your life, being pregnant does affect your oral health. Frequent vomiting common in early pregnancy can weaken your enamel over time. Increased hormones can affect how your body reacts to plaque that builds up on your teeth when they are not properly and frequently cleaned. Many mothers-to-be crave sweet foods or eat more in general. Increasing your sugar and food intake can also weaken your enamel and increase how much plaque you have on your teeth. Some women suffer from dry mouth during pregnancy, which can also increase your risk for tooth decay. Drink plenty of water to help combat a dry mouth. Gingivitis is also much more common in pregnant women, usually peaking around the 8th month.
You probably spent a long time deciding how to share your happy news with your loved ones. Whether you just came right out and said it, or prepared an elaborate set-up to reveal your happy news, you probably haven’t given a second thought to sharing your happy news with your dentist. Obviously, no special arrangements necessary, but please don’t forget to tell your dentist your happy news. Your dentist will make choices about what treatments should and shouldn’t be given during your pregnancy. They will also avoid having you sit for long periods on your back and rethink medications. Many dentists will avoid taking X-rays during your pregnancy unless absolutely necessary. Additionally, your pregnancy may cause some symptoms in your mouth that normally may be concerning- like gums that bleed easily- but are normal in a pregnant woman. Just like your Primary Care Physician, please keep your Dentist in the loop about this change!
Obviously, this is not always an option. However, if you are planning on becoming pregnant, take some time to chat with your dentist about your treatment plan. If you have work that needs to be completed, it’s easier and less risky to do before you’re pregnant. Your dentist can also advise you about changes to your oral health you can expect when you become pregnant.
Pregnancy can make your mouth more susceptible to decay and infection. It’s more important than ever to keep your regular hygiene appointments, and you may discuss with your hygienist whether or not you should increase appointments during your pregnancy. Your hygienist can be a valuable partner in keeping your teeth from decaying during pregnancy. Gum disease may lead to a risk in premature birth , so don’t neglect your oral health at home or in the dental office!
Many of the anesthetics and medicines used in dentistry are not known to cause problems in fetuses. However, most dentists urge caution and recommend any non-urgent work wait until after you’ve delivered your baby. In many cases, waiting will not significantly affect the problem or treatment. Speak with your dentist if you want to put off a treatment and they can help explain whether that’s the right choice for you or not. Obviously, serious infections can also be a risk to your baby, so it’s best to let each patient and dentist weigh the risks for every individual case.
Be sure to check out our further recommendations here ! If you are looking for a dentist with experience in pregnant patients, we welcome you to join us at West One Family Dental! Dr. Wahl and his staff have over 30 years of experience in family dentistry and are eager to help you navigate this exciting new phase!
The post Should I Avoid the Dentist While Pregnant? appeared first on West One Family Dental.
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